Fish in the Delta and SLR adaptation in Marin

A pair of recent stories for Estuary News:
1)  A short news item on a recent study in the scientific journal San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science that found that native Sacramento pikeminnow and introduced striped bass in the middle Sacramento River eat a surprisingly similar diet. I consider myself very fortunate to get paid to write, but these researchers from Chico State got paid to fish!
2) A much more involved article covering a wide range of climate change adaptation efforts in Marin County, from managing sea-level rise along the bay shore to preparing for wildfire throughout the county's mountainous interior. This was part of a larger package covering climate adaptation throughout the Bay-Delta region. I proofread/copyedited the entire issue and it's absolutely chock-full of information you won't read anywhere else. Kudos to the editors, Cariad Thronson and Ariel Rubissow-Okamoto, for pulling it all together.


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