Are electric stoves the solution to indoor air pollution (and eventually climate change) in lower-income nations? My latest for EHP

Today Environmental Health Perspectives published my latest long-form article for the journal, on the subject of electric stoves and their benefits for both health and climate where solid fuels are currently used for cooking. In case you're unfamiliar with the issue, here's the first graf: 

Cooking with solid fuels is risky, not just for the estimated 2.4–2.8 billion people who rely on these fuels at home, but also for the future of the planet. Household air pollution—which includes the noxious fumes from incomplete combustion of wood, charcoal, coal, crop residues, dung, and others—is considered one of the leading environmental causes of disease. The World Health Organization estimates household air pollution is responsible for around 3.2 million premature deaths each year. In addition, collecting solid fuels contributes to land degradation and deforestation and imposes an inordinate burden on women and children. Finally, burning these fuels produces at least 2% of global carbon-equivalent emissions.

Read more about how electric stoves could solve both of these issues, and the challenges of implementing them, in the full story here.


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