From the Chron: Statewide Single-Use Bag Ban Likely?
As I reported in my story on East Bay plastic bag bans a couple weeks ago, a number of local cities have their eyes on a proposed statewide ban on single-use bags. As they attempt to pursue their own plastic bag bans, many are also watching AB1998, which would render local ordinances moot. It would also be more strict than existing and proposed local ordinances throughout the state, because it bans both single-use paper and plastic (San Francisco's existing ban is plastic only) in almost all instances (San Francisco's applies only to large supermarkets and chain pharmacies). According to a report in today's Chronicle, the bill has a good chance of passing after receiving the endorsement of the California Grocers Association. The bill will be voted on in the assembly this week and could go to a Senate vote later this year.
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