
Showing posts from 2017

FOUR articles in the latest Chinese edition of Environmental Health Perspectives

THREE articles in the December issue of Estuary News: aging stormwater pumps, post-fire watershed management, and intermittent-stream research

New in EHP: Health effects of manure irrigation

Architects of Metabolism: New in CNR's Breakthroughs mag

New article in EHP: Developing the Science of Nature as a Public Health Resource

Unwell: The Public Health Implications of Unregulated Drinking Water

Announcing AcclimateWest and my story on sea-level rise and the flood-prone, low-income San Rafael Canal district

New in Estuary News: Choice Mountain Parcels Help Preserve the Bay

Who was Georg Steller and why are that jay and sea lion named after him?

Three news articles in the September issue of Environmental Health Perspectives

Waste equals energy ... or, from poop to fuel: a Q&A with Cal alum Ashley Muspratt

Follow Your Bliss, and This Guy: Michael Ellis profile in Sonoma Magazine

The passing of Elizabeth Grossman

Cullinan Ranch restoration in the March issue of Estuary News: "Hosing a Load Off"

Quantifying the economic value of "ecosystem services" in Bay Area parks

Conflict and Coexistence: Examining the human-wildlife interface

Glycol Ethers and Neurodevelopment: Investigating the Impact of Prenatal Exposures

In the April issue of EHP [2/2]: News article: Relative risks for PM 2.5 exposures estimated from ground and satellite sources

In the April issue of EHP [1/2]: Feature: How population-level health protections sometimes fail the individual

Countering extremism with technology

New study in EHP: Still more questions than answers about safety of soy-based infant formula

Human Health Effects of World's Most Popular Pesticide Unknown

Exploring Chemical Transport through Food: A Proposal for a Comprehensive Approach to Predict Exposures

Coastal Trail, Coastal Conservancy, and Coastal Act in the SF Chronicle

Franklin Point, the Coastal Trail, and the beauty of the San Mateo County coast