In the April issue of EHP [2/2]: News article: Relative risks for PM 2.5 exposures estimated from ground and satellite sources
Here's my second article in the April 2017 issue of EHP, a news story (or Science Selection) on a study published in the same issue. If the cover story is a bit of a think piece, this article veers more toward the technical side of things by discussing the relative accuracy of satellite (i.e., remote sensing), ground, and combined data sources for estimating cardiovascular health risks attributable to exposure to fine particular matter (PM 2.5). Got all that? Yeah, it's a bit wonky, but it's also directly relevant to a lot of research (and thus policy) in the U.S. and around the world that seeks to understand/limit human health effects associated with PM 2.5, the most insidious (and widely studied) form of air pollution on the planet. Find my article here and the original study here.
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