More columns for Project CBD: CBD for problematic cannabis use (8/31), a new endocannabinoid (9/10), and the latest research on microdosing (9/28)
Typically I post two Project CBD articles here at a time, but I forgot to do so last month so this time I got three. As a reminder, my column appears every two weeks (occasionally three) and covers some of the latest, most interesting research in both cannabinoid and psychedelic science, organized around a central theme or topic.
My latest three columns have looked at: 1) the anti-addictive properties of CBD, including for people experiencing problematic use of high-THC cannabis, published August 31; 2) the discovery of a new endocannabinoid through an usual study of dolphin metabolism, published September 10; and 3) the latest findings on psychedelic microdosing, published September 28. Enjoy!
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